Your Heart


My heart beating for a special on this soil

For each heartbeat in the breast as know I your nearness

I can not see you but I hear your heartbeat

Your heartbeat, your calm heartbeat through the wind

I can hearing your heart beat but can not see you

I know that you're there somewhere around me

 For each heartbeat that be taken as comes you step by step closer

Someday as comes we stand eye against eye 

I receives then see you in the eyes

I have heard his heartbeat long

Know that he exists there out somewhere

I know what I want to and what my heart want to

In each heartbeat as becomes I more and more sure on what I want to do

Let none another take your feelings from you

Let none destroy for you then you know what it's you want to

Hear heartbeat through the wind

Hear his heartbeat through the wind

For each blow as comes we step by step against each other

Let none another decide if what you shall think and feel if something

It's your heart that decides what you want to and know 

For each heartbeat that be taken as know I your presence
For each blow that be taken know I what I want to

Skrivet av mig, skotertoken


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